11/30/09 Dear Tonya, you are a genius, as I often say. Thank you for your newsletter, you always blow me away... Thank God for you! -I. (Sweden)

11/30/09 I look forward to receiving the CD's. I already have your DVD and have watched it 3 times so far! I wanted the CD(s) to play before bed at night for additional encouragement, especially after my (disastrous) lapse in diet over Thanksgiving. Thank you again! -B.L. 11/30/09 Hi, Is the facial brushing with the cream suitable for men as well as women? I am a male 67 years young and have been on the raw diet for over 4 years now. I saw dramatic improvements to my skin after about 3-4 months of going raw. I am quite pleased with my skin but would think there is always room for improvement. -D. 11/25/09 Dear Tonya, I am anxiously awaiting the new shampoo and conditioner. I am not even sure what to use until yours is available. So far I have not been happy with any that I had tried. I am also doing your facial exercises – fantastic book. For years I had various books (FlexEffect, Eva Fraser’s program, you name it), but could never get myself to actually do it, until I had bought your book. I think just knowing your story and all the medical problems and surgeries and pain and suffering you had to endure (and it usually does impact the appearance, and not in a good way), and yet you managed to look gorgeous, happy and are trying to help others – that inspired me so much that for the 1st time in my life I have actually started doing something for myself - following your program. Thank you!-L 11/18/09 Tonya, I have been on your site for HOURS and loving every minute of it. I have my order ready to go! I am wondering about shampoo and conditioner recommendations? -K. 11/14/09 I cannot wait for your hair care products to be released. Please let me know the minute they come out. I am positive I will love these hair essentials as much as I adore your face cream + mask! -C. 11/11/09 I am 70 percent on the raw food diet at the moment. (I am 32). The rejuvenation is kicking in with full power. I am also doing the dry skin brushing and hot yoga and additionally infrared sauna. During the detox process, there is something else happening: as I am detoxing my body, I am also detoxing the buried, painful feelings of my past. Everything comes to the surface: anger, hurt, disappointment, etc.… Sometimes I have the feeling that the aging process is not only accumulation of the substances, but also the accumulation of negative feelings and bad energies we collect from other people. Every time I cried out some hurt of the past, I felt lighter and younger, like I have deleted some trauma - data that was stored out of my body.-M. 11/09/09 I have all your books, absolutely loved Quantum Eating, it changed my life to eliminate evening meal, I feel SO wonderful, thank you!!! - Ann 11/03/09 Hi Tonya, I was at the Center for Spiritual Living in Redding, CA when you spoke there at the end of August. I was totally inspired by your talk and became convinced of the benefits of the raw food diet. I have been gradually incorporating raw foods into my diet, but still have a ways to go. I have already bought your e-book (100 days...) and subscribe to your newsletter. I would now like to order your books Beautiful on Raw and Quantum Eating and I would like to order your face cream. Eventually I want to try your face exercise book among others. Bit by bit....-L. 11/03/09 Hi Tonya, I love your Go Fearless article [November 2009 newsletter]. I’ve been ignoring as much as possible the media but get annoyed with all the fear [about swine flu]. After reading your article it was like my core relaxed instantly. It is the answer to all of this energy. It was very interesting and powerful. I love how the body’s energy can change in an instant. Talk about healing. I’m going to forward this to my friends and family. Peace be with you.--J. 11/02/09 [November 2009 newsletter] Very well said, Tonya. You've "hit the nail right on the head". I entirely agree. Thanks for all your inspiration and courage in spite of all your many challenges. I hadn't realized you had had 11 operations. You are a very brave soul. Warmest regards, -A. 11/02/09 Dear Tonya, I am an avid reader of your newsletter and books. In particular, I practice your facial exercises very regularly and do see a difference. Thank you! I have been high raw for over a year and a half now, juicing and rebounding, dry brushing every morning and a colonic once a week. The deeper I go into the lifestyle, the more committed I am and now my husband is following me down this path. -K. 11/01/09 Hi Tonya, I have been reading and rereading your books for a couple of years now, trying to change my cooked food mind set. It is happening, little by little. I can't claim I am following the 100% raw food diet yet, but my body keeps making it harder and harder to eat cooked. I used to have to use an inhaler 2 or 3 times a day for asthma, and I took a Benadryl every night to keep allergies from taking over. After a couple of weeks eating mostly raw, the asthma and allergies disappeared, never to return! I also lost 30 unwanted pounds. -J.

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