Facial Brush for Glowing Complexion
Gentle manual facial brushing will speed up cell turnover, maximize oxygen intake, strengthen the skin's inner structure, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

If I Have a “Beauty Secret,” this Probably it…
Most beauty experts talk about being super gentle with your skin. My method is different, but it works. I say: you need to train your skin to endure, to withstand aging.
How Dry Brushing Works?
Experiments show normal cells stop dividing when they touch their neighbors. To speed up the reproduction of new cells, dead cells must be removed. That’s why daily exfoliation makes a world of difference. Facial dry brushing is the best way to give your skin a youthful glow.

The first couple of days be extra gentle!
The sensation should be pleasantly stimulating. At first, the whole procedure should not last more than a few seconds. Gradually increase the time to one minute. After completing facial brushing, apply a good moisturizing cream immediately and massage the face and neck areas with your fingers
This brush is made with natural hog bristles. Do know that I’m actively looking for a natural vegetable source for these bristles, a source of bristles that will be firm enough to perform the superior exfoliation you need to get truly effective results.
Our body brush is made from Tampico, produced in Mexico from the stalk of the Agave plant. It gives just the right tension to exfoliate your body, but it's too harsh for your face.

How to Care for a Wooden Brush
Wood is susceptible to damage from moisture, so it's crucial to keep your wooden brush as dry as possible.
Occasionally you need to clean your facial brush. The best way is to rub some cornmeal into the brush for a few seconds, let it sit and then scrub it out with your fingers or by vigorously brushing a clean rag. The cornmeal will absorb dust and oil from the brush and whisk it away to keep your brush it tip top shape. Do not use water and soap as this will shorten the lifespan of the brush.