We in America are eating ourselves to death, as a society. Change is desperately needed. But the change won't come, can't come, overnight. And that's true not only for our whole society, but for each individual.

Right now, as I'm writing, there's a nice man sitting somewhere in a Kentucky Fried Chicken joint having lunch. He had a McDonald's Egg McMuffin for breakfast, and two doughnuts at coffee break, along with sugar and a BIG pour of partially hydrogenated soybean oil--he calls it "creamer"--in that coffee. At this second, he's chowing down on the five-piece white meat KFC dinner, with baked beans and biscuit. He'll work at the office till eight tonight, then go home and order in a pizza--Domino's, 16-inch, extra-thick crust, bacon and pepperoni. Just maybe, someone gave him my Quantum Eating for Christmas, and that'll be his bedtime reading tonight. Maybe he'll "get it," maybe he'll feel "convicted." But you and I know he's not going to be a quantum eater tomorrow. Nonetheless, I'm thrilled--yes, thrilled--if this lovely but desperately overweight man makes just one change. Perhaps tomorrow morning he says: No more McDonalds. Instead, he has a bowl of raisin bran. Yeah, I know. It's cooked. It is far from the raw food we know it. Milk. "The whole nine yards." But it's progress. Or tomorrow he says no to KFC and has a salad for lunch. I and you know green smoothie would be better. But are we going to fault him because the ranch dressing he chooses is a processed food and contains some chemicals we don't like? Or perhaps he makes the simple resolution: I won't eat after six o'clock anymore. Yes, I know: It'd be swell if he made that four, or three, or two o'clock. But sometimes, I say--and I must often tell myself this as I seek to "correct" my friends' eating--we more progressive raw food eaters need to quit our crabbing and instead focus on what's positive. Please, keep this in mind especially as we are approaching holiday season.


Quantum Eating book

Quantum Eating

The Ultimate Elixir of Youth!


Raw Food Lifestyle Book - Quantum Eating