Answering Your Questions
Published: (August, 2012)

Can I eliminate all signs of aging?
I noticed that when I went raw and began to get slimmer, my skin got looser. I am 40 years old, have the energy and spirit of a kid, but my facial skin has already shown signs of aging. When I went raw several months ago and began all the facial exercises, these signs did not disappear.
I have to admit I never do the raw diet 100 percent... Every now and then (social pressure) I have some other food, a glass of wine, a cigarette. My question: Is it guaranteed that my skin will return its full elasticity and shape if I do manage to go 100 percent raw?... I need to eliminate ALL signs of aging...
My Answer: Life comes with no guarantees, but with quite a few certainties. One of them is that we'll never eliminate all signs of aging. I'm 54, and people tell me I look in my 30s. When I'm 80--and I do plan to get there--I know they won't then be guessing I'm 35. So...cutting out all signs of aging? Might be too much to ask. But I do believe that to look twenty years younger than your chronological age and to "have the energy and spirit of a kid " at eighty is entirely possible.
Another certainty: After 40, even more so after 50, our skin becomes very unforgiving to even the occasional alcoholic drink or cigarette. The raw food diet is only a part of the beauty equation. Beautiful skin is a result of diet and rigorous daily care. The other big variable: your personal level of dedication.

Another certainty: After 40, even more so after 50, our skin becomes very unforgiving to even the occasional alcoholic drink or cigarette. The raw food diet is only a part of the beauty equation. Beautiful skin is a result of diet and rigorous daily care. The other big variable: your personal level of dedication.
On the left is a a visual representation of my 5-step guide to perfect skin that I follow to keep aging at bay. Skin is the periphery of the body. Your inner good health will reach that outer edge.
From my personal experience, from speaking with many raw foodists and the numerous emails I've received, I'm certain it is possible for you, for any reader, to achieve extraordinary anti-aging results. Don't expect perfection. And don't expect instant gratification. Patience and thoroughness will, I promise, deliver results that will delight you.
Can I eat grains instead of nuts?
My answer: In the past, I, too, ate spouted grains. Until, that is, the day my body "told" me they were too heavy. I suggest that, if at the present grains feel better to your body than nuts, then that is what you need to eat, until you get some further feedback from your body.
Solution for crow's feet?
I am interested in your Violet Ray machine. My two problem areas are my eye area...(crepe-ish skin and crows' feet) and the lines in the middle cheek area. Would I be able to use your Violet Ray on these areas and would I see results? By the way, I find raw food doesn't really agree with me.

My answer: From my experience, the Violet Ray gives exceptional results when addressing thinning hair or hair loss. I believe for your particular skin problems, you'll get better results with a daily facial masque application, paper tape application - shown in this YouTube video : - and daily scraping of your skin, which I demonstrate in this video.
At this stage you can probably benefit more from my books than from my beauty products. Beautiful skin after 40 starts with ideal digestion. When you say raw food "doesn't agree with" you, this tells me that digestion is at the root of your skin issues. I suggest you also look into colonics. Remember: Your skin is always a reflection of your interior health.

Dr. Hauschka Versus Beautiful On Raw
I'm 47 and have been the best part of my life believing and following Dr. Hauschka's philosophy with no use of night cream and no heavy scrubbing. I have been thinking all these years that Dr. Hauschka way is THE right way, and although I'm amazed to see your glowing perfect face and would like to try your products I noticed that there is a lot of fear and hesitation in me to change one strong belief into another so totally different...
My answer: The honorific 'Dr.' in front of someone's name conjures up images of a stern figure in a white lab coat, someone whose professional decisions are never to be questioned. After all, doctors are experts, aren't they? I can't help it--I have attained a healthy, radiant complexion by doing, in some respects, quite the opposite of what the good doctor recommended.
Read this article, if only to see how important it is to question your standing beliefs: Dr. Hauschka vs. Beautiful on Raw.