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Forehead Woes: Recognizing Warning Signs

Published: (February, 2024)

Forehead Woes: Recognizing Warning Signs

Life imprints itself on your forehead. That's undeniable. Without intervention, life's triumphs, tribulations, sleepless nights, hardships, and heartaches will etch their story prominently on your forehead. Mature faces display them very clearly.

But even people in their 20s can develop deep wrinkles on their foreheads. Why does this happen? It's because of repeated facial movements like frowning, raising eyebrows, and squinting, which cause the forehead muscles to tense up and shorten. The skin, unable to relax properly, ends up forming folds on the forehead.

In today's world, Botox has become an incredibly widespread solution for forehead concerns. And it's not just the over-40 crowd. People in their 20s are flocking to get Botox injections without giving it much thought. But to think you must. For thinking crowd I suggest you read my newsletter Botox...Signs and Consequences.

Given that botox is not an option, what can be done to reduce or eliminate forehead creases?  One of the methods I've been using is cupping with our RejuvaCup and RejuvaCup HD.

Here’s an email that came recently…

Tonya, I’ve just received my RejuvaCup. After watching the video and doing just as instructed, I’m still having a hard time with it holding any suction. My forehead and anything more than halfway up my face won’t hold any suction whatever. Is there a trick I’m missing? Or might I have gotten a faulty one?

My answer: 
First, proceed with an easy test: Apply the RejuvaCup on the palm of your hand. If the RejuvCup holds the suction, your product is good. More likely, something entirely different is happening, and about this, there’s much more to be said.

The forehead has several fascial layers, important for supporting the skin and muscles in that area. These layers include:

Skin. The outermost layer, the skin, covers the whole forehead, providing protection.

Subcutaneous tissue. Under the skin is a layer of subcutaneous tissue containing fat cells. This layer adds padding and insulation.

Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System. The SMAS is a fibrous layer that connects the forehead muscles to deeper structures. It plays a crucial role in facial expressions and helps anchor the muscles in place.

Galea aponeurotica. This tough, fibrous sheet lies beneath the SMAS, and is helping to support the forehead muscles.

Periosteum. The innermost layer, the periosteum, covers the bone of the forehead (the frontal bone). It helps anchor the fascial layers and muscles to the bone.

These fascial layers should have some flexibility, allowing them to slide against one another. This mobility is vital for normal facial expressions and for your forehead to remain smooth. Excessive stiffness or adhesions between these layers can limit their ability to slide. Fibrous scar tissue can build. The tissues get stacked, one on top of the next, glued to each other, tangled, which translates to wrinkles, creases, and folds.

Many people  also carry excessive muscle tension in their forehead. Trigger points. Tight spots. This can lead to stiffness and restricted movement. For a youthful, smooth forehead, it’s vital to restore this mobility. Cupping is the best do-it-yourself solution.

But cupping relies on skin mobility. So, when muscles are tense, skin layers may not lift to create the vacuum required for the cups to adhere.

If at first our RejuvaCup doesn’t stick or doesn’t give a good suction, do this… Use your fingers to work on glued fascia and break down adhesions, sliding them vertically and horizontally along your forehead. Do this for a few days or weeks, then try our RejuvaCup again.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t let it discourage you. It’s a common experience for individuals who show stress on their foreheads. Dealing with forehead furrow takes patience, gradual pressure adjustments, and consistent effort.  Be persistent, while also approaching the cupping massage with gentle progression, and it will get better!

2. How to Prevent Forehead Furrows

In your younger years. A little pinch or press on the skin might produce a temporary indentation—one that usually resolves in seconds, certainly less than a minute as blood flow and skin elasticity restore tissues to their normal state. But this takes ever longer as you age.

Aging skin naturally brings a loss of collagen, elasticity, and hydration, which forms wrinkles, folds, and creases. Issues like sun exposure, genetics, and facial expressions contribute to these results. How can you slow this process? 

Key words: blood flow and skin elasticity. Improvements in these two factors is exactly what cupping will do.

For cupping on the forehead, there’s no specific direction. You can do it in any direction. You need to loosen up, disentangle your tissues.

Watch my video on the left.

But we also need to cut the abuse that daily facial emotions, stress tensions, and nightly turning can inflict on your facial skin. You mustn’t let them gain a permanent home on your face. Your skin needs help to smooth out the furrows or laugh lines you’ve gained during the day. Here’s where WrinkAlign patches offer

indispensable help. I use them every night: WrinkAlign Liner on my forehead, Bamboo Charcoal Under-Eye Patches under my eyes, and Cheek & Chin Sling on my chin. And I use our AgelessNeck patch for at least an hour during the day.

Our WrinkAlign patches are made from a hydrogel containing 80 percent moisture, with extracts of aloe vera, vitamin E and vitamin B3. The specially formulated gel base includes a network of polymer chains that function as a sustained-release delivery system. 

This system continuously provides nourishing ingredients for your skin, regulates fluid exchange, ensures continuous moisturizing beneath the patch, and delivers a cooling, soothing effect. While I was working on this newsletter, I received an email containing the following line:
I’m obsessed with the forehead and under eye patches… they work incredibly. 

On the 22nd of January I turned 66. Here's my new video in the right. I cherish each decade. The raw food lifestyle and daily skincare routine have been my secret allies, making my 40s, 50s, and now my 60s equally enjoyable and vibrant. Keep in mind, when it comes to aging, having no daily anti-aging routine (juicing, exercising, skincare and so on) is more draining physically and emotionally than any routine could ever be.

My skincare methods work. They’ve worked for me. They’ve worked for thousands of people who’ve followed me through newsletters, books, and  social media. They will work for you.