Natural Blush Makeup
Published: (February, 2022)

1. Introducing Natural Bloom Beauty Stick
People ask me, Can you suggest a good makeup line? and How about creating your own line of makeup, Tonya?
In January I turned 64! The older we get, I believe, the less makeup we want to use. While I still love wearing eye makeup, I practically never use skin makeup.
For those of you desiring to go “minimalist” with skin makeup, you will be interested in the newest addition to our line: Bloom Stick. It lives up to its name, giving you that rosy, “blossoming flower” look.
Our Bloom Stick creates a fresh, natural look on any complexion. It lends a dewy glow and soft feel—perfect for creating that no-makeup look. I love wearing nothing on my facial skin except Bloom Stick—I apply it directly to my clean skin for a look that’s radiant and beaming.

Our new Bloom Beauty Stick is 100% natural and takes just seconds to apply! You can use it on your cheeks and your lips, and touch-ups are quick and easy.
Face any business meeting or social gathering with confidence, knowing you look naturally youthful. Keep it in your purse and take it wherever you go. Applied daily, one tube will last you three to five months.
Keep in mind that the “minimalist” look only works well for those with healthy skin. And for a achieving beautiful complexion, a high raw diet is a must.

2. Answering Your Emails
I frequently receive personal requests, such as I want to see you without any makeup, Let me see you in a bikini and So how do you look with gray hair?
I’ve gone a long, long way to convince my readers and customers of the veracity of the lifestyle and beauty practices I promote. All those books, articles, meticulously developed products—and twenty years of effort. Nowadays, in my mid-60s, I mostly rely on my own judgment.
As to makeup, in most of my videos, I brush, scrub, or suction my face, so there’s not a hint of skin makeup on my face (but I do love eye makeup!). And no bikinis, folks—too many scars on my hips and legs from my injuries and surgeries, so I am not willing to bare them for the world to see. On the subject of gray hair, my family says I look way too young to go gray just yet, so that look will have to wait.
I lay things out pretty bare in the pages of my books, so feel free to read my story there. But remember, in the end it’s not my results that will convince you. It’s yours that matter. The best proof? Ultimately the only solid proof? Your own experience. Try my ideas. Get your own results, and then you’ll be convinced.

Another customer wrote: I see your first book was published in 2003. Do you have a more recent version of this book?
Yes, indeed, next year marks the 20th anniversary. Often, I’ve wanted to revise this book and create a newer edition. But it occurs to me that any “updating” would do rather little for the practical information it contains and would likely reduce a good measure of the passion that went into that first edition.
There’s nothing of substance to change in this book regarding my views on raw foods. What else would I do in revisions? Update a few references. Make the book a bit more politically correct, perhaps. But it would all just tend to dampen my enthusiasm, I’m afraid. And then it wouldn’t be half the book it is.
By changing your diet, you can change your destiny. This is what happened to me. If you want to be really motivated and make a real change in your health and appearance, read something that has proven it can withstand the test of time—this book in its 2003 (and only) version.
NOTE: While the e-book version will be around for a while, the physical copy of this book is going out of print. We have only three cases left, so if you want it in print, be sure to grab your copy sooner rather than later!