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Culinary Liberation: Unlocking the 200-Hour Food Preparation Freedom

Published: (July, 2023)

Culinary Liberation: Unlocking the 200-Hour Food Preparation Freedom

 1. Unveiling the Remarkable Time-Saving Benefit.

You’ll find very many benefits on a raw or high-raw diet. For example, a stronger immune system. Reaching and maintaining an ideal weight. And of course, as I pointed out many times before: There can be no beautiful complexion after age 40 unless we eat unprocessed, unadulterated greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

A more than good enough reason right there, by itself. Do you need another one? Try this...

OnePoll and Bosch Home Appliances surveyed 2,000 Americans about their families’ cooking habits. Adults, they found, spend 67 minutes a day, on average in the kitchen — that's equivalent over 400 hours each year!

Here's how much I spend each day preparing raw meals and cleaning up...
Making juice: 10 minutes
Making salad: 12 minutes
Making a smoothie: 5 minutes.

Add washing fruits and berries, cutting veggies, greens, and the total comes to about 30 minutes. This is less than half the kitchen time of the average person. I'm saving more than 200 hours annually! This alone should encourage you to go fully or nearly raw.

2. The Staples of the Raw Food Diet

It wasn’t easy early on in my raw foods journey. I fretted about what I’d eat. How to satisfy hunger. How I’d avoid sugar temptations. How not to end up with serious nutritional deficiencies. So, I read. I learned from people who’d done it before me, and I analyzed others’ experience.

By trial and error, I arrived at the best diet for me. Keep in mind: There’s no one plan that works for all. You need to find what works for you.

You’ll find many quite involved raw food recipes on my website. But these are transitional recipes—recipes for newcomers and for special occasions.

As a newcomer to the raw foods, your brain will search for familiarity, and only by creating raw food recipes that resemble your previous diet will you be able to make a smooth and successful transition to raw foods. It was because of this that I developed raw food recipes for soups, pizza, cakes, pasta, and other treats to resemble common meals. Check my ebook Beautiful On Raw: Uncooked Creations.

But once you’ve cleansed your body, once you're established in your high raw diet, your body will ask for simple meals.  How simple?

Nowadays I don’t give a second thought to what I eat. It’s pretty much the same things daily. Juice. Salad. Fruits. Smoothies. They’re always there. See my newsletter What Do I Eat?

I don’t feel hungry—unless I unexpectedly go far away without taking any food along. I have no cravings—fruit takes care of that. Because I’ve eaten a similar diet for over twenty years, which has been working well for me, I don't worry about deficiencies.

Tip: Make sure you resolve any possible B12 and D deficiencies as early as you can. See my article Vitamin B-12 Controversy.

Though I enjoy my food immensely when I eat, it’s never on my mind between meals—even after 2:00 PM, when I finish my eating altogether. More information in my book Quantum Eating.

3. Finding Time for Your Beauty Routine

Here's a comment I received:

I'm struggling with dark circles and puffy eyes. As I enter my thirties, I’m starting to see wrinkles under the eyes. [This is] mostly genetic and partly because of lifestyle…

A high-raw diet…daily juicing…and a daily facial masque. These are, I believe, the minimum needed to counter aging on your face and body. People complain: Where can I find time for a daily skin care routine?

I’ve already shown that, eating raw foods, you’ll free 200 hours yearly. This is time you can spend on skincare—cupping massage, Strigil scraping, dry brushing, and facial masque. Do them all, and you’ll still have time to spare!

Keep in mind,  if you’re unhappy with your look—like my correspondent—you’ll be forever scrutinizing your face and feeling dreaded. The mirror becomes your tormentor, that you cannot escape. It becomes a place where you're fretting, regretting, lamenting about where your younger self went. I knew that feeling too well, back in my thirties, and I’m sure you’ve been there, too.

On the other hand, when you’re happy with your looks, you’ll not waste time looking too much in the mirror. Get satisfied with your image, and you’re on your way to more productive living. Raw eating won’t take more time. Instead, it will free more time for you.