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Unlocking the Truth: Vegan Diet and Hair Loss

Published: (April, 2024)

Unlocking the Truth: Vegan Diet and Hair Loss

1. Investigating Hair Loss in Vegans

Recently my hairdresser asked me, “Do you eat meat and fish?” I said no. She looked thoughtful. “Strange. My niece went vegan and her hair is falling out like crazy. But you have a lot of new hair growing.” She went on to explain: “Vegans lose their hair, you know.” 

Do they really? Let’s consider the following scenario: Say you’ve changed your diet drastically. Suppose you quit all meat and fish overnight, and imagine that, you began including salad and freshly squeezed vegetable juice into your diet daily. You're stepping slowly toward a raw food lifestyle. You feel better and better as you go. Several months into this super healthy lifestyle, you notice some hair loss. Now, you're totally baffled. You’re obviously getting ten times the nutrients that you consumed before. What is going on, you wonder?

Turning to the all-knowing ChatGPT, you read:

"The connection between being vegan and hair loss isn’t direct or straightforward. Hair loss can occur due to several factors, and diet is just one of them. However, some people have raised concerns about potential links between a vegan diet and hair loss due to certain nutritional deficiencies that may arise if the diet is not well-balanced."

Now you really panic! You might even go back to eating SAD again.

Keep in mind: ChatGPT aims to deliver a single, widely accepted viewpoint. It means according to the established authorities, you might be deficient. But it also might be that our mainstream medical experts know a lot about deficiencies, but know little about health, or about what the transitional process of getting healthy entails.

I’ve presented my own personal experience, which you might find helpful. See my article: Hair Loss Causes.

If your diet needs a serious upgrade, there’s a question you might ask: If I improve my diet, might I experience some hair loss? Maybe I shouldn't…

But what if you don’t improve your diet? Your health will suffer. And that hair loss is still going to happen. What’s more, it will speed up with no hope of slowing it down unless you change your diet for the better.

My response…Don’t panic. It's very possible that your hair is not “falling out” in the sense you’re worried about. It is merely changing.

What’s happening when you go vegan is this…Your hair records your eating pattern. As your diet changes, your hair changes. If a change in diet is abrupt, the change in the hair is also abrupt. Too abrupt a change and you create a breakage point in your hair strands. More in this article: Hair Loss Causes.

Any hair loss you do see, once you improve your diet, is temporary. Your new hair strands will come in healthier, stronger, thicker. Using the practices I suggest, you can go through the process with less stress. And you’ll have something to look forward to: your fuller, healthier hair.

Here’s what helps me, day after day…

–  100 comb strokes

–  Violet Ray

–  RejuvaRoll

-   Scalp Tonic

These practices work. However, keep in mind: hair takes time to grow. Give it at least 4-8 weeks.

If you want to examine your hair as you introduce one or all of these practices into your life, that's great. But don’t look at strands that grew three months or more ago. Instead, look at the new hair growing at the base your scalp. It’s what’s happening now, what’s growing now that counts.

2. Shampoo and Conditioner Bars: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Here is an email that came recently:

I love your company and all your good work. Have you ever had hair products that were not sold in plastic?

We’ve switched all our cream and masque containers to glass. Like you, I would much prefer that we not use plastic bottles for our shampoo and conditioner.

I’ve tried many manufacturers for shampoo and conditioner bars. I also bought several hair bars on Amazon. Regrettably, they didn't work well for my medium to long hair. While some people like them, others  feel shampoo and conditioner bars do not lather or rinse out well enough, leading to buildup on your hair. That has been my experience.

Am I going to keep looking at hair bars as an option? Of course. Using shampoo and conditioner bars is a great idea, and you can bet they’ll be improving.

Meanwhile, we still have a large inventory recyclable gold bottles and caps. It would be wasteful not to use them up before I move to hair bars. Once our current inventory is gone, yes, you can expect us to move to hair bars.

This month I'm offering you an additional discount for shampoo, conditioner, and for the shampoo and conditioner set: HAIR15%OFF

3. Why do we Need a Scalp Tonic?

Regardless of your diet, you’ll notice you have less hair as you age. A receding hairline announces your age even faster than wrinkles. Look around. You’ll see people over 60 have commonly lost about half their hair. What’s left is a sparse canopy. Want to keep a full head of hair well into your sixties and beyond?  One essential: daily dedication to your scalp treatment.

Adding more raw foods into your diet is another reason you need to take care of your scalp daily. Every time you change your diet, your hair will change.  But it's during this period when your hair is changing is when your scalp needs extra stimulation to speed new hair growth.