Establishing Good Habits

Published: (April, 2014)

Establishing Good Habits

Radish Flowers and Zucchini Leaves

This simple garnish can be used as a plate decoration, or as part of a fruit and vegetable arrangement. Radishes are easy to find year round, cost very little, are very versatile and look very festive as part of any holiday decoration.  You can make these carvings a few days in advance and store them in a sealed plastic bag in the fridge until ready to display. For this composition you will need 2-3 radishes, 1 zucchini (or a cucumber), 2 cranberries, a sharp paring knife, and a bowl of icy cold water for soaking the carvings.

Carvings Raw Food Recipes (by season)

Rawsome Recipes for February 2012

Love is in the air! Even though the month of February is in the middle of winter, already we are focusing on heartwarming things like romance and Valentine’s Day and the delicious seasonal produce that February offers, such as kiwi, cherimoya, Swiss Chard, arugula, grapefruits and oranges, and cauliflower. These recipes are extremely simple yet satisfying, and will serve you and your beloved well.

Adventure Juice

How will you know if you never try?

Raw Food Recipes (by season)

October 2011 After Cleanse Raw Recipes

Can it be that October is upon us already, with a slight chill in the air and the days suddenly becoming shorter? I was just getting used to the idea that September was here and enjoying the last of the summer bounty. Now, we have a few new seasonal crops to add to our repertoire such as pears, apples, figs, grapes, fennel, cauliflower and a new batch of leafy greens.

Raw Food Recipes (by season)
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