Raw Food and Hot Yoga Testimonials (Oct. 2009)

10/28/09 I have ordered 2 jars of your facial cream, I would like to clarify: Firstly dry brush, secondly mask and finally apply the facial cream. I am now on 50% raw foods, I am very impressed with your book and your website, I made an effort to visit your website every day because it builds up my confidence in the raw food diet and I want to look glowing like you. Thank You so much for your articles and I am very impressed with your mask. -C.

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Raw Food and Hot Yoga Testimonials (August 2009)

08/17/09 Dear Tonya!! You look simply gorgeous on the cover of Get Fresh! magazine! I am sure you have heard that thousands of times already by now. You look like a fresh young lady with sexiness and intelligence in your eyes! Such a live inspiration! All of your 5 books are on my bedside table as I constantly read and re-read them. How is the translation into Russian of your first book going? I am dying to have my mother and sister who both live in Russia to read this book!

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Raw Food and Hot Yoga Testimonials (July 2009)

07/31/09 Dear Tonya and Nick, It was such a pleasure to personally meet you here in Pittsburgh! It felt like you were my visiting family members: probably because Tonya is so sincere in her books, and I learned a lot about you from there. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR VISIT! What a blessing you were to all those who came to hear your message! The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Let's hope that the seeds you planted produce a rich harvest! Thank you for your latest book - I am almost done with it!

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Raw Food and Hot Yoga Testimonials (June 2009)

06/24/09 Dear Tonya, Your book [Raw Food and Hot Yoga] has inspired me and motivated me further to pursue the path of both Raw Foods and Hot Yoga. After reading what you have gone through with your bodily injuries I think I have no reason to complain or worry about anything. You are a woman of great strength and determination. You have shown that persistence and faith is the key to success. I am going to do the same. Thanks very much for sharing your knowledge with us.

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Raw Food and Hot Yoga Testimonials (May 2009)

05/01/09 So your book [Raw Food and Hot Yoga] has inspired me to FINALLY do the CR [Calorie Restriction] diet! It was too hard when Quantum Eating came out. At that time I was eating 2000 calories a day, and I had a very stressful job. But the last year and a half, no stressful job, and only 1600 calories a day. So now it is VERY EASY for me to eat only 1200 cal. a day and no food after 6 PM.

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