Raw Food Before and After Photos
These people became Beautiful on Raw! They transformed their lives inside and out with the raw food lifestyle. May their pictures and stories inspire you on your journey.

Before: Tonya Zavasta at 35 with her son Nick. After: Tonya at 41 after 2 years on the Rawsome Diet.

Dear Tonya! Just thought you might enjoy seeing some of my progress with your program. The Before photo is me before I ever even heard of the raw food lifestyle, the somewhat 'After' photo is me at the end of your '100 Days to 100% Raw' program. Not perfect, but someday I will be a Quantum girl! Thanks for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! -Kelli Haines (Kelli at 34, Kelli at 42)

Jesse teaches how to re-gain Health and to Lose Weight in an All Day Seminar & Food Demonstration held at Life Grocery & Café (Atlanta GA). Call or email Jesse for more information: 770-606-0353 or RawFoodResourceCenter@gmail.com (Before: May 2006 - 272.5 pounds - Age 48. After: November 2006 - 192 pounds - Age 48.)

Jim Carey at 49 (240 lbs.), Jim at 55 (170 lbs.) - http://www.chidiet.com

Gina Silvestri (The Raw Muse). Only after 1 year on 100% raw. Read her story at www.TheRawMuse.com

Brenda Cobb at 49 and 55. Read the interview with Brenda in the book Beautiful On Raw. - www.livingfoodsinstitute.com

Shazzie at 29 and 35 - www.shazzie.com Read the interview with Shazzie in the book Beautiful On Raw.

Angela Stokes of www.rawreform.com - The Natural Way to Weight Loss. Angela at 23 and 26.

I wrote to you previously to tell you how I enjoyed your books.
Just wanted to send you some before and after pictures to show you how positively the information you shared in your publications has affected my life. At the time of the first picture I was a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, then moved into veganism and am now transitioning to raw foods (I read You're Right to Be Beautiful, 100 Days to Raw and am currently reading Beautiful on Raw and enjoying it tremendously.) In the first photo I am wearing a costume because at the time I was singing with an opera company. By the way, I was not pregnant, just very overweight!
I thought perhaps this will inspire you to keep doing what you do and continue to inspire others in the process. -Lazara Perez

Amanda at 32 and 34 - www.rawesome.com. Read the interview with Amanda in the book Beautiful On Raw.

Lilian Butler at 42 and 46 - www.rawsoul.com

Read the inteview with Gina Houston in the book Beautiful On Raw. Gina at 23 and 35.

Michelle Reeves of www.FromSADtoRAW.com
310 pounds, Before raw, 29 years old. 233 pounds, 8 months raw, 30 years old.

Audrey Walker at 33 and 37 - www.rawhealing.com. Read the interview with Audrey Walker in the June Beautiful On Raw newsletter.

Suzan Jorg
Forty years ago this month we first met ... Nick really did look a little like a young Sylvester Stallone. At least, his hair did. And yes, I really did have a poodle perm. As of October 2016 I have been 100% raw for almost 20 years.

Tonya Zavasta at 58 with her husband Nick.