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Are There Any REAL Superfoods?

You’ve seen claims for “superfoods.” Loads of them. 

Superfoods have become part of our popular culture. Food merchants know this. Notice how the superfoods which last year got privileged position on supermarket shelves now have moved, replaced by (sometimes ever more peculiar) successors.

It’s all very much a matter of language, too. Each new superfood appropriates the latest health-related buzzwords. It’s nothing new. Finding and isolating nutrients for the purposes of health and anti-aging has never worked in the past. It’s not going to work now.

We should likewise be suspicious when some food is singled out as “incredible” or “uniquely the best” for some nutritive value. By now, there is scarcely an edible plant that hasn't already been tested and researched and found to be beneficial in some way.

Quantum physics tells us that what you concentrate on becomes thereby possible, becomes larger than life. If scientists try to find a particular nutrient—for example Vitamin C—they can search all over and find it in all manner of foods. You can even find it in those sugary, powdered drink mixes that are full of dyes and chemicals. Does that mean you should be drinking those to get your Vitamin C? What if that drink has 100 times more Vitamin C than an orange? Does this justify its consumption? Who in the world ever convinced us that we need that much of any one nutrient in the first place?

I was asked about a new product called Mila: The Miracle Seed. It is a good product. But not because it has 500 times more nutrients than any other food in the world—you don’t need that much to be healthy.

There’s a reason the earth has provided us with thousands of species of edible plants, and many more varieties within those species to include in your raw food diet. The truth is, all edible plants are “super,” in their own way. Every raw, high quality, organic food can be a “superfood.” You do not need an expensive, singled out food which has usually been processed or altered in some way or another.

The solution is far simpler and, far less expensive. And the results are infallible. The secret to rejuvenation lies in eating less, not more. We do not need more miracle foods. We need a change in our paradigm. The “more is better” mindset is well past due for an overhaul.

Too many nutrients and calories will merely burden a healthy body with extra work in order to digest, process, assimilate and eliminate. Too much of a good thing is exactly that—too much! Not only is it unnecessary to overload the body with 500 times more calcium than a stalk of broccoli or some other raw food, it can be downright harmful. It is not our food that needs to change so much as our thinking does. Learn much more about the new paradigm of anti-aging and superior health in my book Quantum Eating.

Quantum Eating

The Ultimate Elixir of Youth!

People all over the world have lived to ripe old ages (though usually in countries outside of the West) in superior health without (a) ever having access to or even knowledge of superfoods, (b) absurd concentrations of specific nutrients, or (c) “the latest” practices such as consuming massive quantities of "performance" shakes for protein.

It's high time we wake up and take the reigns of our health. Look at history, look at the promoters of the various dietary lifestyle choices, and look at how your and their appearance and health are affected by these choices, and the right decisions will reveal themselves!

There. Enough said! Now, I will go to make for myself a "superfood" drink like a freshly squeezed vegetable juice or a green smoothie.