Raw Food Beauty Tips and Secrets

Here are some delightful beautifying tips that will complement your raw foods diet and your daily beauty regimen.
You know coconuts are a delicious part of the raw food diet but they are also a beauty supplement! Using the water on your hair and face will make you feel like a Tahitian beauty.
Wet your hair in coconut water. Apply coconut water all over the scalp and massage into roots. Use some of it on your face as well. Put on a cosmetic cap and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then wash and condition as usual. If you do 50-100 strokes to brush you hair before this procedure the effectiveness will greatly increase. If you have my Rolling Bed of Pins you can use it for 10 minutes before applying coconut water. Apply on your hair at least once per week for several months.
Stimulating Pack for the Hair, from Your Right to be Beautiful
2 leaves of collard greens and 1 leaf of mustard greens
2 inches of ginger root
1 avocado
Juice the leaves and ginger root and mix well with avocado. Wash hair as usual, then apply the mixture to towel dried hair. Cover with a shower cap and towel to keep it warm for 20-30 minutes. Rinse well. It stimulates hair growth and adds shine to the hair. Try to apply this pack once a week. Tingling of the scalp will let you know it's working!
Every morning, immediately after removing your facial mask and before applying a moisturizer, rub an ice cube over your face to close the pores. The sudden cooling of your skin causes the blood capillaries to constrict, which is followed in 15 to 30 seconds by expansion of the capillaries resulting from the warming of the skin. For more information why it is good for your skin I refer you to my book Quantum Eating.
It is known that coconut water is effective against skin blemishes. Dab coconut water on blemishes and leave for an hour. Use it for at least 15 days.
I do not have age spots. But I had one small mole on my left rib that has been with me since my late twenties. In my new book Quantum Eating I talk about the miraculous properties of Hydrogen Peroxide. I decided to apply 35% food grade on a cotton swab to it every day. And in a month it faded away. The 35% solution will sting and will turn the skin on your fingers white temporarily. Be extra careful and research more before ever using Hydrogen peroxide. It requires an intelligent user.
For a beautiful clear skin take a bath using 1 pint of 35% hydrogen peroxide in a full tub of water and remain at least a ½ hour. Do it regularly at least several times per week.
The following is the best and easiest home remedy I have found for chapped lips:
Mix ½ teaspoon glycerin, ½ teaspoon fresh lemon juice and ½ teaspoon castor oil together and place in a closed glass container. Before going to bed, spread the mixture on your lips and leave it overnight. The mix should be stored in the refrigerator since it contains fresh lemon.
Personally, for myself, every night before retiring to sleep I like to massage my lips with an extra tooth brush (not the same one you brush your teeth with of course!) and then apply plain castor oil to my lips. I believe between the raw foods lifestyle and this simple procedure, chapped lips will be history.
Teeth Whitening
Take dried & powdered bay leaves combined with dried orange peel. Make a paste. It is an excellent teeth whitener.
Those of you who have read my books know I suggest applying castor oil on your lashes every night. If you find that you have dry and cracking nails, why don't you use the same oil and start massaging and rubbing your nails just after you are done with your lashes? You will be very impressed with the results.