Carrots, Sweet Potato and Greens Juice
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Orange is the color of the day. Not without the greens, though: they will significantly boost the nutritional value of this juice.

Grapefruit Banana Mango Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
An easy and enjoyable way to consume a few servings of dark leafy greens.

Nick's Salad
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
My husband, Nick, has been making this salad for us on a daily basis for many years, and I still love it! I came up with the dressing just last month, and I think it really makes a great combination. The trick to this salad is to mince all the ingredients as finely as possible. This mixes the flavors in the best way.

Guava Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
If you don’t mind a touch of grainy texture from guava fruits in your smoothie, use the guava whole. But if you prefer a silky smooth texture or will be sharing the smoothie with young children, simply scoop out the seeds and use more guavas.

Cantaloupe Delight Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful On Raw
A refreshing delicious cantaloupe drink.

Pineapple Raspberry Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful On Raw
Very refreshing on a hot summer day, or on any day, really.

Pacific Breeze Juice
Recipe Author: Beautiful On Raw
The taste of papaya merges with the taste of orange and beet root to pack an incredible amount of enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants into this powerful juice.