Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
You don’t need any special skills to make simple containers for a special holiday breakfastor Halloween party treat – pumpkin pie smoothie. It will taste good in any vessel you choose to serve it in. You might find your family enjoys “liquid” pumpkin pie so much, that it will become your daily fare when you can get a hold of pumpkins this season.

Honeydew Mint Julep
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Early fall brings us a wide variety of melons to enjoy. They are delicious all by themselves, but you can also blend them with greens for a green smoothie experience. No need to add extra water: melons’ high water content ensures that we get the best structured water possible for our body to thrive on.

Berries and Poppy Seed Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Adding poppy seeds to your smoothie provides additional minerals, fiber and Omega-3s on top of summer berry goodness, the freshness of coconut water, and all the gifts the leafy greens have to offer.

Grapefruit Banana Mango Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
An easy and enjoyable way to consume a few servings of dark leafy greens.

Cherimoya Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Just tropical enough to deserve the name. It is February after all. Mark Twain called the cherimoya “the most delicious fruit known to men.” Look for them in Asian markets. Often you will find cherimoya are sold not yet ripened. You should leave your cherimoya for several days in a paperbag at room temperature till it turns an almost brown color and feels like an almost ripened avocado. It should have some give but not be squishy when squeezed with your fingers.

Guava Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
If you don’t mind a touch of grainy texture from guava fruits in your smoothie, use the guava whole. But if you prefer a silky smooth texture or will be sharing the smoothie with young children, simply scoop out the seeds and use more guavas.

Cantaloupe Delight Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful On Raw
A refreshing delicious cantaloupe drink.

Pineapple Raspberry Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful On Raw
Very refreshing on a hot summer day, or on any day, really.

ABC Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful On Raw
A is for Apples, B is for Bananas and Bok Choy, C is for Celery and Cinnamon