Persimmon Coconut Cake
Recipe Author: Beautiful On Raw
You’ll wish you could have this lovely cake all year round. Sadly, you can make it only during the persimmon season, unless you have some frozen ones, as I advised in this article Persimmon Health Benefits. Enjoy it while you can! Mmmm…raw Persimmon and Coconut Cake.

Carrot Pasta with Chili Persimmon Sauce
Recipe Author: Beautiful On Raw
Decidedly not your ordinary pasta…or your ordinary sauce. Yet it’s easy, quick, and delicious, with just a touch of the exotic.

Butternut Squash Soup
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
A mouthful of creamy soup tastes so good when the fall chill comes! Serve slightly warmed for a superb culinary experience. An especially nice luncheon soup around Thanksgiving or even Christmas.
Good Old Pumpkin Pie
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Enjoy a Thanksgiving gathering without guilt with this superb pumpkin pie. An added bonus: It won’t put you to sleep after a meal, but only if you share it with those you love!

Cinnamon Apple Ambrosia
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
With only a handful of ingredients and minimal effort you can charm your family and friends with a nutritious and satisfying holiday dessert that can double as an energizing breakfast.

Persimmon Nut Cheese Delight
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
This recipe uses Hachiya (Japanese) persimmons, which are very soft when fully ripe. They are combined with macadamia nuts to make a filling meal, which can be as humble or as festive as you prefer.

Sweet Nut Roll
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Try this delicious autumn dessert. Pumpkin and persimmons combine for a delightful sweet flavor.

Persimmon Chia Pudding
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Known as Nature’s candy, persimmons work in synergy with almond milk and chia seeds in this recipe, resulting in a satisfying and nutritious breakfast or dessert.

Cranberry Cream Delight Smoothie
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
The cranberries and kale in this smoothie offer you the best in antioxidant protection as well as a nutritional boost to jump-start your day the quantum way!

Sweet and Sour Kale Salad
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Kale never goes out of fashion: it is your “dark leafy green health insurance” in a bunch. This nutritional powerhouse is available at the stores year-round, and is a rich source of Vitamins A and C, calcium, manganese, lutein and iron.